Celebrate the Season with Cheer
Daily you strive to do your best using your UCLA degree to find your purpose in the work you love. Your unsung efforts build toward that which will someday be your legacy, but on occasion it is appropriate to pause, kick up your heels and celebrate your accomplishments to date.
Bruin Professionals Holiday Party
Monday, Dec. 16
5:30-8 p.m.
The Capital Grille
8614 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Complimentary parking, bountiful hors d’oeuvres, cash bar
Join Bruin Professionals, Chancellor’s Society, Anderson Alumni, Law Alumni and fellow Bruins for a joyous evening with alumni who strive and achieve. Enjoy an evening of cheerful networking and sparkling conversations. Close out a successful year with pride as you look forward to all the hope and potential of the New Year.

$20 per person in advance
$30 per person at the door
Contact Nancy Davis