The Diversity Digest

Critical Race Theory

You may have heard that just before Labor Day the U.S. Office of Management and Budget released a memo to all heads of departments and agencies in the federal government that announced the cease and desist of funding for diversity training sessions, specifically calling out training in critical race theory and those addressing white privilege.

What you may not know is that UCLA School of Law is home to the nation's first critical race studies program. The UCLA Law Critical Race Studies Program (CRS) allows students to study the intersection of race and the law. You can support CRS and read a recent op-ed by CRS co-founder and faculty director Laura E. Gómez opposing the administration's view of critical race studies being anti-American propaganda. 

We will continue to deliver you content that reflects the diversity of our campus and alumni community. Here are this week's offerings.

Join UCLA Law Critical Race Studies Program in its inaugural CRS 2020-21 Book Series, where Professor Cheryl I. Harris will be in conversation with author Laura E. Gómez on her recently released book, "Inventing Latinos: A New Story of American Racism."

Have children learning at home? UCLA Black Alumni Association is here with part two of Optimizing Your Child's Education During the COVID Crisis on Saturday, Sept. 19. Learn how you can navigate your child's education with special guest speaker Dr. Tyrone Howard, director of UCLA's Black Male Institute.

California Proposition 16 would repeal Proposition 209, reversing the ban on affirmative action in California. Read about the ballot measure, the endorsement from the UC Regents and engage with the Hammer Museum next week in a discussion about the proposition.

Join UCLA Lambda Alumni Association and UCLA Latino Alumni Association on Thursday, Sept. 17, for a screening of "Before Night Falls." The film depicts Reinaldo Arenas and the persecution he faced as an LGBTQ+ writer in Castro's Cuba.

Enjoy an afternoon of poetry on Friday, Sept. 25, with UCLA American Indian Studies Center in celebration of California Native American Day, a holiday that not only celebrates tribal people but also encourages us to learn about California tribal cultures, histories and heritage.

As always, we thank you for your love and support. Feel free to forward this to a friend and visit our social media companion to the Diversity Digest on Instagram at @ucladiversealum. Most importantly, please let us know if there is a topic you are interested in by submitting ideas to

Stay engaged,

UCLA Alumni Diversity Programs & Initiatives staff


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