The Diversity Digest

Your Voice Matters

Diversity Programs & Initiatives is here to amplify the voices of our diverse alumni. In this edition of The Diversity Digest we are giving space to voices past and present — from 1940s research that sparked the modern gay rights movement to critical surveys that will inform today's decision makers. This week’s offerings continue to amplify the voices of our marginalized communities. We hope they offer you ways to amplify your voice and listen to others.

In honor of Black Music Month, dive into the archives with UCLA Film & Television and UCLA Ethnomusicology to see how Black creators shaped America's music genres.

In the 1940s, being LGBTQ+ was labeled as a mental disorder. See how groundbreaking research from UCLA's Dr. Evelyn Hooker disproved the harmful label and sparked the modern gay rights movement.

Want to order takeout from Black-owned restaurants in Los Angeles? Beliz Urkmez '20 and Henry Hapov '19, co-hosts of UCLA Radio show "The Menu," have mapped them out for you.

Join UCLA musicologist and historian Shana L. Redmond today for "Paul Robeson's Voice and Other Giants," a discussion on the cultural resonance of Paul Robeson, arts legacies and the political urgency of the present.

The University of California seeks input from diverse communities through Understanding Community Considerations, Opinions, Values, Impacts, and Decisions for COVID-19 (UC-COVID). The survey will inform a critical care bioethics team to develop guidance that helps physicians with decision-making if crisis standards of care have to be implemented due to potential surges of COVID-19.

Sign up to support the UC through the UC Advocacy Network (UCAN) and join a community of committed people who lend their voices to shape state and federal policies promoting the university’s mission of education, research and public service. Key issues include the University's budget, DACA and carbon neutrality.

Have a suggestion on how alumni can have their voices heard? Share with us here.

As always, we love hearing from our community members. Feel free to share this with other Bruins you may know, and feel free to share other valuable resources with us. 

In Community,

The staff of UCLA Alumni Diversity Programs & Initiatives

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