Sustaining Alumni Community

“Make ‘Em Proud of Our University” — back in 1925, five students drew up a plan for an organization to help them stay connected after graduation, to each other and to their school. Within months, hundreds of soon-to-be alumni jumped into one of their first tasks — raising support from local voters for a $1 million bond measure to pay for the land to build a new campus. Because of their commitment to future Bruins, the bond passed and UCLA made the move to Westwood. This investment by alumni in ensuring the success of future Bruins was the first in a long tradition, and alumni support continues to be one of UCLA’s main strengths.
1926 Alumni Board
1926 Alumni Board
Since then, the UCLA Alumni Association has been dedicated to amplifying your connection to UCLA. Although times have changed, the sentiment endures — alumni sustain, advocate and continue to carry on the True Bruin legacy. In more recent years, as the University has grown, the needs of alumni have changed, and we’ve evolved into an organization of more than 500,000 Bruins worldwide.
Bruins in Hong Kong
Bruins in Hong Kong
Since the beginning, the UCLA Alumni Association has prioritized connecting alumni around shared similarities, communities and interests. Our Alumni Networks help to make this happen. For example, the Lambda Alumni Association, established in 1989, is one of the oldest and most well-established LGBTQ alumni organizations in the country; and the First Gen Network and the Mixed Alumni Association were the first of their kind in the nation. Long established philanthropic networks such as Gold Shield Alumnae have helped to fund the education of many scholars and faculty research. And the growth and activity of networks in Asia has given UCLA a bridge into the global community, reaching out to, and supporting, the next generation of Bruins. As one alumna in the mentor program said, “I had a great experience at UCLA and would love to pay it forward by supporting others.”
Dinners for 12 Strangers
Dinners for 12 Strangers
With your support, we host more than 1,000 events each year welcoming thousands of alumni across the globe. In March, 2020, as California enacted measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, UCLA Alumni provided a virtual space where we could share stories and reflect on the important issues we face. Bruins contacted us about their needs and together we found ways in which we could be of value — including mental health resources, career webinars, and opportunities to learn, as well as enjoy some Bruin camaraderie.
In the 1927 yearbook, UCLA students proclaimed their commitment to future Bruins, “To us has been given the pleasure and joy of pushing into the unknown. The return is worth the effort. And though our work may be forgotten, its influence will be eternal.” When school starts this fall, UCLA again will face the unknown, relying on our shared strength and community. Today, in the first year of UCLA’s second century, your support will continue to be vital to building our community for future Bruins. Your gift strengthens our Bruin legacy, and allows us to continue our work to make ‘em proud.
UCLA Alumni Travel Reunions
UCLA Alumni Travel Reunions