In the months of August and October, a UCLA delegation led by Chancellor Gene Block visited with UCLA networks in Shanghai, Taipei, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore and Jakarta, in continuation of UCLA's centennial celebrations. These festive banquets included musical performances and engaging PechaKucha style presentations by professors, staff, students and alumni.
As part of UCLA’s Luskin Lecture Series, the sixth presidential debate in the Democratic primary race will take place in historic Royce Hall on Dec. 19. Update: The site for the debate has changed. Learn more.
On Oct. 29, 1969, the first message on the precursor to the Internet was sent from Professor Leonard Kleinrock’s research lab in Boelter Hall. Fifty years later, a day-long celebration was held at UCLA, bringing together an A-list of scientists, tech entrepreneurs, entertainers, activists and politicians to discuss the future of the Internet. Watch the video.
As we enter men’s health awareness month, L.A. prosecutor Kevin Gilligan's '90 recent photo exhibit reminds us that many men are silently and deeply struggling. His portraits show men in moments of strength and comfort, however his interviews offer a look at their history and inner lives, their weaknesses, fears and more.
How well do you think you know the UCLA campus? Take this multiple choice quiz to test your knowledge and memory of familiar sites throughout campus. If you do well, share your score on social media with the hashtag #IMissUCLA.